Gemstone : Birthstone Month : Zodiac : Chemical Symbol : Chemical Make-up : History & Lore : Availability : Sources : |
| Evaluation : Calcite is found in a great number of colors including, black, blue, brown, colorless, green, lavendar, pink, red, yellow and white. In addition to this, Calcite can also be found in bi, tri and multi-colored varieties. Calcite coloration is caused by impurities within its crystals. Calcite is usually transparent to opaque and some varieties exhibit fluorescence or phosphorescence, with specimens displaying beautiful bright colors when exposed to UV light. In fact, some examples continue to glow with color (phosphoresce), even after the UV source has been removed. In addition to this Calcite has a unique property, double refraction. What this means is that when rays of light enter the stone it is split, creating fast and slow beams of light. This causes the effect of anything and everything being viewed through Calcite appearing twice. This unique double refraction can also cause a rainbow effect in examples that have small crystal fractures. The Calcite variety “Dogtooth Spar” is named so because of its shape which resembles a dogs tooth. Amber- orange and clear or colorless varieties are considered “classic”, with particularly good examples originating in England (Cornwall) and the United States (Ohio and Tennessee). The “Iceland Spar” Calcite variety is named after the country it was originally discovered in and because of its ice-like appearance, although today most “Iceland Spar” actually originates in Mexico. This variety of Calcite best exhibits the double refraction property. The Calcite variety “Mexico Onyx” should not be confused with the Quartx variety of Onyx, as this is an entirely different mineral alltogether. Perenially popular, and widely available, the extraordinary number of varieties and occurances ensures that Calcite will likely always be a popular mineral. All Calcite examples are low to moderately priced and therefore available to all. Common Cuts : Routine Enhancements : Care & Cleaning : |
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