Gemstone: Dark Blue Beryl True North Gems Inc.® has coined the name “True Blue” Beryl. Birthstone Month: Zodiac: Chemical Symbol: Chemical Make-up: History & Lore: It is documented that Dark Blue Beryl was first discovered in 1976 by a Yukon geologist, however, it wasn't until August of 2003 when Bill Wengzynowski again discovered these unique stones in the Yukon Territories of Canada that it was recognized as a new gem. These efforts were financed by True North Gems Inc.® of Vancouver, British Columbia. True North Gems Inc.® consulted mineralogists and a gemologist, who both confirmed that the blue Beryl they had discovered was in fact a unique new type of Aquamarine. |
| It is documented that Pliny, a Roman scholar, used powdered Beryl to cure injuries relating to the eye. Legend says that Beryl was once used to ward off demons and evil spirits and that it can protect the wearer from dangers whilst traveling. Other legends also state that Beryl can be used to bring about good luck, cheerfulness, energy, and eternal youthfulness. Beryl is also said to be effective at treating disorders of the heart and spine. Availability: Sources: Evaluation: Dark Blue Beryl closely resembles Aquamarine, but is gemologically distinct. It is more blue in color, it's deeper in tone and higher in saturation. At times Dark Blue Beryl resembles Sapphire. Beryl also has a higher refractive index and a greater specific gravity than Aquamarine. In addition to this, it is intensely pleochrostic, which means the color changes as you rotate the stone. The strong dichroic colors exhibited are a deep blue to violet blue and a greenish-blue to near colorless. The above characteristics amount to a one-of-a-kind gemstone that will soon be highly coveted by gem enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Common Cuts: Routine Enhancements: Care & Cleaning: Dark Blue Beryl jewelry should be stored in a fabric-lined box away from other jewelry items so as to avoid damage / scratching. |
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