Gemstone: Purple Jade Birthstone Month: Zodiac: Chemical Symbol: Chemical Make-up: History & Lore: Jade has been treasured for over 5000 years in China as the royal gemstone, where it is known as 'yu', or 'zhen yu', meaning “genuine Jade”. Jade is as significant in China as Gold and Diamonds have been in the West. It was not only used for the finest objects and cult figures but also in tombs for important members of the imperial family. One tomb contained an entire suit made of Jade, assuring the occupant of the tomb physical immortality. In addition to this, Jade was associated with the five cardinal virtues: compassion, modesty, courage, justice, and wisdom. In Central America, the Mayans, Aztecs, and Olmec's also treasured and honored Jade higher than Gold, creating symbolic carvings and masks out of it. Neolithic Europeans extensively used Jade for tools and weapons most likely because of its toughness, making it ideal for such purposes. |
| Jade is believed to stimulate creativity and mental agility well encouraging practicality, wisdom, love,and tolerance. It is also believed to have a balancing and harmonizing effect, banishing negative thoughts and rejuvenating the wearer during times of stress. In addition to this, Jade is also believed to increase body strength and add longevity. Physically, Jade has long been associated with the kidneys and is still a remedy amongst healers of Nephritic Colic. It is also believed to help protect and aid the heart, larynx, liver, spleen ,thymus, immune system, and nervous system. Availability: Sources: Evaluation: Although the intensity of the color is the most important factor determining Purple Jades value, special attention should also be paid to the the stones transparency. While Jade is never fully transparent, the higher level of transparency it exhibits, the higher the value. In addition to this, the vivacity, texture, and clarity must also be taken into account with the overall evaluation of Jade. When purchasing any variety of Jade, it is recommended that it is purchased from a reputable dealer or jeweler. This is due to poor quality Jade being found on the market that has been treated or artificially colored. With that being said, whether purchasing Jade as a collectible item or as a piece of jewelry, its toughness, history, and enchanting colors makes it a memorable gemstone. Common Cuts: Routine Enhancements: Care & Cleaning: |
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